My precious Amidala turned three years old last month. I haven't blogged about it because I don't want to accept it. I love her more than anyone or anything (and sometimes I think she knows it!). She makes me swell with pride everyday, several times a day. I am her favorite person and she'd rather snuggle me than do most anything else. I never want her to grow up.
Try as I might to prevent it, her birthday did come around and we had a little family party for her. Lots of grandparents and great grandparents and even an Aunt Cynda. Unfortunately, none of her cousins could make it but she didn't seem to notice.
My mom and sister Cynda flew in from Denver last month and stayed a few days with us. Ami LOVED having her Aunt Cynda to play and sleep with. Even Calvin warmed up to her. I also really enjoyed having my youngest sister to bond with. She's turning out to be such a lovely young woman.
I talk to my mother on the phone almost daily so having her in person was a real treat. I totally took advantage of another adult in the house and constantly directed Ami to her Nana to read stories. Thanks, mom!
And then suddenly, it was Halloween. This was the first time I'd carved a jack-o-lantern and I couldn't believe how fun it was! Ami wanted a cat faced pumpkin, so of course, I obliged. When I was finished, I immediately wanted to do another one. Husband went for big and scary.
Every night, as soon as the sun went down, Ami was asking for her kee-cat pumpkin to be lit up. Everytime Calvin saw his scary faced one, he would entertain us with a laugh that a robotic witch at the grocery store taught him.
They both liked trick-or-treating. Another first for me. After the second house, Calvin realized what was going on and was all about it. Ami loved talking about all the costumes and decorations. She keeps asking to go trick-or-treating every night since. Next year, little girl. And every year after that for the rest of your life, if you'll let me.