Sunday, November 28, 2010

Strong family traditions raises happy kids

Husband had his foot surgery last Wednesday and we were very grateful it was sooner rather than later. It went as planned but the surgeon emphasized that his foot would be sore for quite some time.
Waiting for surgery and still handsome as ever.

He was in a tremendous amount of pain for the first 48 hours after the procedure. We considered staying home for Thanksgiving but managed to make it out to his parent's beautiful home and were very glad we did. The food was great and the company, too. He still makes an effort to help out, crawling across the floor or scooting around in the desk chair.
Kids are always eager to help.

One of our family traditions is to get our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. Husband's condition made that impossible and I was a little distraught about it. Ok, I've been upset about a lot of things due to his accident but for some reason this one was foremost in my mind. Maybe because all of our traditions are new so it's important to establish and stick to them. No matter what. After hearing of our plight, Brother Robinson offered to bring us one, as his family gets their tree on that day also.

Amidala LOVED trimming the tree. After all the ornaments were hung, she cheerfully added every little toy she had of appropriate weight. Calvin just seemed determined to destroy any glass ball or candy cane his could reach. By Christmas Day last year, only the top half of the tree was decorated.

We are warm, cozy and enjoying each other's constant company.


Lauralee said...

how's he doing? I will call..
"constant company" hope you are getting a break!
hang in there. we are thinking and praying for you and lynn.

Christine said...

I'm so glad you got your tree and it looks great!!!

zinniacr said...

I am so happy you got your tree. :) Lynn does look very handsome in his hospital gown. Love you guys!