Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Very Un-Merry Christmas

We had a lot going on this week, with a little Christmas on the side. Taking our car to the shop, securing our apartment in the 'Couve, packing, cleaning... and ralphing our guts out. Husband came down with the mysterious 12 hour puking virus on the 24th, then I Christmas morning, and finally Calvin rounded it out that same evening.

Cleaning vomet out of the carpets, fa la la la laaaaah, la la la laaah.


Lynell Rogers said...


zinniacr said...

Oh Noes! I hope you are all feeling better now. :( Love you guys!

Fortner Family said...

Yucky! I'm sorry it didn't stop at Ami. You are just such a sharing and loving family! :)

Lauralee said...

so sorry! what a bummer Christmas- one you'll remember for sure!