Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tales from The Foot

We saw the surgeon yesterday. The news was not so good. The Foot is still way too swollen to perform surgery. The broken bones are a relatively simple fix, but since the appendage was crushed, it's a trauma injury and that complicates things. The blisters on top are caused by swelling. The fluid has no place to go so it pushes up against the skin. The Dr.'s advice was to put it into a soft boot to keep the ankle in proper position while minimizing movement and to have Husband stand on his head to reduce swelling. I guess having The Foot propped up with pillows will have to do. We see the Dr. again on Monday to assess the situation but best case scenario is to have surgery the week after Thanksgiving. So Husband will be eating turkey flat on his back.

And you thought the first pictures were gruesome.

We have been receiving loads of love and support from our family and friends. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Grammy even came over to blow the leaves into piles after Monday night's storm. The house is still on the market so a tidy yard is important. She wanted to do something she knew Husband would if he could. I tried to talk her out of it.

If you're local and would like to make Husband more comfortable, please send firewood and any excess pain medication our way.

1 comment:

Kasmira said...

Wow, The Foot has become its own character on your blog! Sort of like the evil villain. Does it talk in a scary voice?