Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My child is brilliant

I absolutely adore my daughter Amidala. One of the reasons I started this blog was to gush about her. She lights up my life and her little accomplishments always amaze me. She was a little slow to start talking but recently a light must've come on in her head because she's now speaking in full sentences, repeating everything we (or the Aristocats) say and is very into labeling things. She will ask "whuzzat?" over and over again until she's growling at me and I'll answer. Yesterday I told her what a sink was and she happily pointed out every sink in the house. Today she was carrying around her pink bunny snuggly and saying something I thought was the word sink constantly while pointing at her lovey. I kept correcting her and saying, "no, that's your snuggly, not a sink." But she persisted. Finally I asked her if she meant pink and she said yes. Not entirely convinced, I asked her what else is pink and she pointed to her pink pants, pink polka dots on her shirt, pink toes on her socks and even her pink My Little Pony. Now she wants to know the colors of everything so I tell her and she gets it right away. She also taught herself to snap and knows three of her shapes. I love to listen to her sing, watch her dance and hear her say her name (Ahmidahla Dabis). She loves to help set the table with her dad and picks up any choking hazards and brings them to my attention. Best of all, Ami is very affectionate.

And of course, there is her love of books. I started reading to her at just a few weeks of age. Honestly, I did so because I didn't know what I was supposed to do with a baby and I'd heard they liked the sound of their parent's voice so reading aloud it was. My sister in law Anna gave Ami her first board book Mommy Always Loves You. It was her favorite book for a long time and I credit all that reading at such a young age to her great ability to play independently.

Anyone have any tips on potty training and encouraging friendly sibling relationships?


Kasmira said...

Have a third kid for Ami and Calvin to gang up on! The first two will be best buds for sure. ;)

Anna said...

Reading to your children is one of life's greatest treasures. SO glad Ami likes books! :)

zinniacr said...

Introduce them both to a new hobby or game together that they can only play with each other.