Tuesday, February 9, 2010

This one's for you, Tabby

My sister and fellow mother of two wanted some pictures of my dad and Norma's anniversary party.

Amidala found this lovely woman with her therapy dog in the first 5 minutes and they were inseparable for the next 30. It gave Lynn and I a chance to mingle.

As soon as her canine fascination was over, Ami immediately went and planted herself on Norma's lap for dinner. Nobody makes her smile quite like her Grammy Norma.

My handsome husband and our tinyman. Davis clan: Click on this photo and look how much this shirt brings out your brother's/son's eyes.

My stepsister, Deanaca, did a wonderful job planning and hosting the party. I'm trying to remember to take more pictures but my hands are usually full.


Cami said...

Great pic of Lynn and Calvin. I just noticed, there's not one single photo of you, Sabrina!!

Anna said...

You are doing great with the pictures! Pass the camera to Lynn when your hands are full. :)