Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pass the tissues, please

We have been so sick! When husband came home from work Monday evening saying he didn't feel well, I had no idea the monster virus that had been unleased. I haven't had any really bad colds or flu since the kids have been born but this one made up for all that. We are just barely leaving Snot City now but the hacking cough is lingering in us all. We had to cancel plans, turn down invites and Valentine's Day was very low key.

What's worse then being really sick? Having to also take care of your whiny, cranky kids. Ugh! We had to make a cold medicine run to WalMart on Saturday so we got the kids a new toy each to keep them occupied so we could take turns trying to nap. Calvin loves to make noise so this music roller was perfect for him.

Ami loves to take baths so she got Bath Beauty Ariel doll. She was really thrilled with it, despite her facial expression. She is still learning to hold still and smile for the camera. This was the best picture I could get.

1 comment:

Lauralee said...

Ami looks thrilled with her new doll! :) she is such a pretty little girl!
sorry you have been sick- that is so not fun especially when you have responsibilites-
hope this is a better week!