Friday, July 1, 2011

A trip to remember

Dear Husband,

Oh, I miss you so, so much.

We've been taking it easy the last couple of days here, establishing a daily routine. Which I suppose is what happens when you take a two week vacation with kids. They love having a yard to play in and extra playmates. Calvin has been especially diligent about removing his diaper and peeing outside. So seeing naked children doing their business through a sliding glass door has become the norm.

Remember that park we took 'em to last summer with the train? Ken took us there yesterday for some playing, riding and wading.

Ahhhhh! Too deep, mom!

And last night my mom, Ping and I took little Moo-bears back to Lakeside. She was pretty much over kiddie land and moved on to any adult ride she met the height requirement for. She was delighted to find out their signature attraction, the Cyclone, had no such requirement and rode the "really fast roller coaster" as many times as Ping would accompany her. Every time she exited the ride, I could hear her little voice squeal, "I want to do it again!"

The weather here is fantastic! A big storm moved in while we were out (typical on Denver evenings), also giving Ami her first lightning watching experience. She found it all spectacular, to say the least.

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