Monday, July 4, 2011

My favorite sis

Dear beloved Husband,

I unloaded the kids on Ken, Ping and Cynda a lot this past weekend to get some bonding time with Carissa. After doing a little shopping with my mom on Saturday, Crissy and Nate picked me up to take me out to dinner. I told them I wanted Mexican and to take me to their favorite place. They enjoy eating out frequently so I knew they'd know the place to go. You would've loved it, whata. Muy delicioso! Afterwards, we went to her big city apartment where Nate indulged me with on-demand Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes.

I was thrilled when Crissy suggested bowling the next night with Ping and mom (I wish I'd packed my shoes!). I did well considering I haven't picked up a ball in almost four years.

After proving my ball rolling supremacy, Crissy spoiled me yet again by taking me back to her place where Nate was waiting with more recommended TNG episodes. It was a sci-fi geek's paradise. It's so nice to have Carissa back on the main land and I'm grateful that my mom planned my stay for two weeks. Seeing her four times this visit is more than I usually do in two years. I love you, Crissy!!!

See you in 2 days.

Love always,

1 comment:

zinniacr said...

I love you too, sister! <3