Sunday, October 9, 2011

End of summer blur

I don't remember much about the month of August. Husband worked a lot on the weekends, we attended a wedding (sans children), I did a little canning with my MIL and I took the kids to different parks around the city everyday. September, however, was filled with memorable firsts. Ami's first day of pre-school. Yay! She loves it and I love the thrice weekly break of sibling squabbling. Calvin is always a little teary every time we drop her off but my local MOPS group also started that month and he loves his "mops pee-school".
The weather stayed warm and our friend Billy invited us to go swimming in a pool he has access to.
While Calvin didn't get into the water much, Ami happily paddled around wearing a life jacket and even jumped off the diving board with me several times.

And while husband was gone on yet another Saturday, the kids and I attended a local Harvest Fun Fest.

But the days of Husband working Saturdays are now gone as he has started night classes again at Clark College and must spend all of his off time studying or attending lecture and lab. He's taking the first of a 3 part Anatomy & Physiology class series and also an online Intro to Medical Radiology Tech course. He was very fortunate to get into A&P as the demand does not near equal the capacity. Twice the amount of students show up than are actually registered in the class, hoping to gain a spot once someone gives up on this difficult course and drops it. So while the children and I are available for day trips and such, Husband will be otherwise engaged until the second week of December. Excellent grades in the A&P classes are essential in gaining entry into the Medical Radiography Tech program.

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