Saturday, October 8, 2011

Davis Family Reunion

Technically this all took place last July, but I've been absent from the blogosphere for so long that I don't know how to find my way back again unless I just pick up where I left off.

The reunion started off with fun, family friendly games. The weather was perfect and Amidala was just starting to grasp the cousin-filled wonderfulness of the next 3 days.

Everyone participated...

even my sweet, adorable tiny-man.

There was no keeping my son away from his boy cousins.

Or my daughter from her beloved girl cousins. I was really starting to miss my kids as usually they are my near constant, affectionate companions.

The next day, after some impromptu lavender farm care, the whole gang headed to Kline Line Park in Vancouver. This was my kids' first time at a swimming hole and it couldn't have been more perfect for them. Being the boy that he is, Calvin excavated the sand with whatever tools he could find.

Though Ami spent most of her time in the water, husband did manage to tempt her to the (safe, heart-calming) shore to build a mountain with her uncle Eric.

That beach day also happened to be my 32nd birthday and I was surprised with a cake and a few lovely gifts later that evening. So with the sun, fun and fam it was easily the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!

The pure blood Davis Bunch...

and their descendants.

The whole famn damily; 32 and counting. All because two people fell in love and all that.

On the last day, after the obligatory pictures (and homemade slip and slide), adults and children alike were delighted at the arrival of a horse and cowboy to give rides around the pasture. This was my favorite event of the reunion.

I don't know what joke he and his sister are sharing, but I love the look of laughter and pure happiness on husband's face. Captures his jolly personality (and the reunion in general) perfectly.

And here are our terrific reunion organizers, Matt and Heidi. Thanks a whole Davis bunch, you two!

For more reunion pics or to see another's POV.

1 comment:

Lauralee said...

:) love it.
"the heart calming shore"... perfect description!
Loved reading your take on it!