Monday, September 6, 2010

I heart Craig's List

Last April or so, our clothes washer went belly up. There had been noisy warning signs of its impending demise for several months, so we weren't surprised. My Malaysian dwelling MIL gracioulsy let us borrow her immaculate, front loading beauty. Husband and I had hoped to be out of this house before she returned, but that didn't happen so we found ourselves in need of a washing machine that we may or may not have to sell in a few months when we (hopefully) move. Enter Craig's List. I had my children's beloved slide listed for $30 (we had purchased it two years earlier from CL) and a woman in Vancouver wanted to buy it. I found a washing machine on CL in the same city for the same price. So Husband loaded the plaything in the truck, drove to the 'couve and made the slide transaction, then drove across town and did the deal with the washer.

We traded this...

for that. Not bad, eh?

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