Friday, September 24, 2010

Hurray for the public library!

As I've stated before, Ami loves books. It just amazes me that while all of her other obsessions run their course, she never tires of books. She keeps piles of them everywhere, and everytime I sit down it's always, "Mama, read."

She wants me to read her favorites over and over again until she's memorized them and reads them herself or to brother. Before getting into the car, she insists on bringing a load.

Now Calvin is starting to get in on this action.

When it's quiet (y'know too quiet, so they must be up to no good), I find them on Ami's bed softly narrating the pages.

During one of my teaching practicums, I was in a Kindergarten class and met a little red-haired girl who could read. Not one of those See Jane Run books, but A Bad Case of the Stripes; a book your average second grader would stumble over. I remember thinking, "I hope own my daughter will be this bright." She's on her way and I'd like to think I had something to do with that.

1 comment:

Bill and Ellen said...

I'm sure you had a LOT to do with them loving books. It could be genetic---Bill and I both love to read.