Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Blackberry cinnamon peaches

Several years ago, while preggers with my fist child, my MIL introduced me to canning. I was immediately hooked. First it was peaches, then pears, and finally applesauce. I've missed canning with her since she and her husband are serving a religious mission in Malaysia. When they left, she passed on some old canning equipment to me but I was too apprehensive to process the goods by myself. Now that my two little ones are a bit more independent (and finally playing together nicely!), I decided to go for it with some flair. Peaches with a bit of blackberries and a light cinnamon syrup. Serve with vanilla icecream and graham crakcers. Soooooo yummy!

One of my goals is to have Husband build my own little canning room with endless sturdy shelves for canned good. Everyone would receive my creations for holidays and such. I'll be that crazy canning daughter/sister/friend.

Looking forward to canning thrice as much with you next year, Ellen!


zinniacr said...

I wants to eat! Them some to me.

Anonymous said...

Why don't we hang out? Maybe we could trade, I've got blueberry jam!