Monday, August 16, 2010

Hug Point

In an attempt to escape the heat, we drove our kidlets to the coast this weekend; just past Seaside, OR to Hug Point. I remember this beach fondly as my family frequented this spot when we were young children (before the divorce and all that).

Husband immediately started playing in the sand with the kids, building a huge mountain. Ok, so really he was trying to show them how to make sand castles but they're still into the destroying phase... so, yeah.

Look, mom's back from the bathroom! Go get her!

They were not very interested in the water (yay for my anxiety level!) and I loved seeing Ami beg brother to play with her.

Like most outings, we were only there for a couple of hours before the cranky tiredness set in. But I am now seriously considering camping. Next summer, of course.


zinniacr said...

I knew it was only a matter of time before Ami would see the playmate she has in Calvin. :) By the way, I want to see pics of his new hair cut.

Bill and Ellen said...

Love the photos. I can't wait to hug those kids. You are so good to be making memories for them. What a good mom!