Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter morning

One of the many great things about being newly married with children is starting your own holiday traditions. This was the first year we really celebrated Easter. Husband and I had a lot of fun hiding the eggs.

Ami LOVED the egg hunt. Especially when she discovered each one had an M&M inside.

Both kids really liked their Easter Baskets. Husband got a new reversible dress belt. He misplaced his previous one somewhere between Colorado and Washington last summer.

We decided to dye the eggs alone together last night and skip the kiddy mess. Niether child was too thrilled with the hard boiled variety. Gimme those plastic chocolate filled ones, mom!

For dinner we had a big ham and fresh baked apple pie... Nah, really we had breakfast for dinner made on my Easter present, a fully submersible liddle griddle.


Lauralee said...

hi! sounds like a fun easter!
one m&m in each egg? :) that is smart w/ little ones...
have fun w/ your new griddle!

Anonymous said...

m&ms? i bet amidala went wild with glee.