Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Husband's Birthday

Yesterday was husband's 31st birthday. I made the mistake of telling this little girl in the morning, so all day she was singing the birthday song and asking if dad was home yet so she could eat birthday cake (well, it was brownies).

Birthdays are so much more fun to celebrate when you have your own cute kids to help.

Husband had math class tonight so Calvin was asleep by this time.

His gift was a blanket lined Carhartt jacket for work. He also received the good news in class that he scored 105% on his latest math test.

My blogging SIL Lauralee always does gushing birthday posts for her family so here is my top 10 things I love about my huband:

10. He has a wonderful family. I am so blessed to have them as my in-laws.

9. He mows the lawn, washes the cars and cleans the garage without me ever having to ask.

8. He cannot tell a lie. I've seen him try, it's hilarious.

7. He doesn't just love our kids, but all his nieces and nephews as well. He wants more kids. I said yes, in about 3 or 4 years.

6. He helps Ami set the table and always clears the dishes after dinner. Little things like that mean the world to me.

5. He always kisses all of us goodbye every morning and says I love you, even if I'm grumpy or the kids are stinky.

4. He is kind, patient, easy going, funny, adventurous and always willing to lend a hand. His personality compliments mine.

3. He is a great father. He genuinely enjoys playing with his kids and takes good care of them. He has easily gotten up more in the middle of the ngiht with our son, but I'm pretty sure I lead the count in changing poopy diapers.

2. He is a wonderful husband, very supportive of his wife and works hard to provide for our family. He has seen me at my worst and stayed.

1. He chose me as his life partner and gave me our two beautiful, healthy children. He made me a wife and momma and I'm lovin' it.

I love you, whata.


zinniacr said...

Yeah, I'd say Lynn is a keeper, :)

Cami said...

All of those things don't even surprise me about Lynn. He is so good and so willing to work and sacrifice for those he loves! It really shows that he love you and the kiddos. I'm so glad he has you, too, you've been so good for him!!