Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Slugs are bugs

I love the fully fenced backyard we have at our house. You could say I've loved it all my life. We don't have any elaborate play structures or a pool. Just a worn patio and deck covered with second hand ride-on toys, plastic trucks, buckets and shovels. There is a beautiful maple tree that provides a ton of shade and the ground is barefoot friendly. (No poop or thistles) And of course, lots of good old fashioned dirt with wonderful bugs. Ami found a slug today. She ran around playing with it for half an hour. Eventually, she tucked the slug in the soft earth and insisted it was taking a nap now. I then insisted on bathing my children.

Yes, Crissy, we named him Slimy.


Kasmira said...

Bwahahaha! I remember Slimy. And also a pet fly.

zinniacr said...

SLIMEY! Awwwww! What an old and wise slug he is. :)