Friday, May 28, 2010

Pink Elephants On Parade

I love that Ami loves old school Disney movies. Not one of her favorite movies was made after 1989. The animation was so graceful and beautiful then. And the music so much more lyrical. She listens to her Ariel songs in the car and even Calvin sings the part of Ariel loosing her voice (I'll have to figure out how to capture that one on video to share). The latest movie to captivate her is Dumbo and she loves dancing to those pink elephants. Playing this video for her resolves any *ahem* dissagreement.

Calvin's favorite Disney creation is the original Toy Story (Thank you, Aunt Crissy) and Ami is also quite fond of it.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Better than Charles E. Fromage

It has been raining all week here in El-view and my kids are bored. That 9-11:30am weekday time slot needs to be filled with something to burn off energy and get them ready for lunch and naps. We just started attending a playgroup at a nice Baptist church every other Tuesday, which they love, but that still leaves the other nine days. I tried taking them to the library, but that was a disaster. So today we went to the Kids Club in Salmon Creek.

It is totally worth the drive and in north Vancouver so really only about 35 minutes in the car. I could not have gone to this place alone so I'm very grateful for my neighbor Kendall (seen here behind Ami) who chases Amidala while I follow my tinyman. She is very mature for a ten year old and we have our love of musicals in common. Her favorite is Phantom of the Opera (mine too!). She also acts in community theater and was recently a Who in Seussical: The Musical.

Ami can be so demanding; it was nice to be able to spend some time focusing on Calvin.

I used to frequent this place a lot about 4 years ago when I worked as a caregiver. Although I've never been there on a weekend day, it's always surprisingly uncrowded. *sigh* I miss living in a real city.

We only lasted about an hour before everyone was sweaty, tired and hungry. This Burgerville is only a few miles down the road and is one of the nicer ones with a kids area, plastic cups and a busser.

Of course, it didn't rain today.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Thank you, Papa Murphy's

With two such young ones at home, I have to celebrate the times when things are easy. My kids are officially old enough to eat pizza relatively unassisted.

Calvin ate almost two pieces. We sold his highchair and he loves sitting at the table with the rest of the family.

Ami also ate quite a bit, dipping her pizza in ranch. She loves all kinds of sauces. Inexpensive, convenient take and bake. As we were eating, I realized it was the most effortless meal we'd had in months (maybe years?). This may turn into a weekly dinner thing. My only regret is that I forgot to use paper plates.

A good brother

Late last March, my sil Lauralee told husband she needed some kitchen cupboard doors to make this headboard. He has been keeping his eye out for them ever since.

He traded some materials leftover from a job to a local business for these.

Nice, eh? Happy late birhday, Lauraloo!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I just wanna be with my Dad!

Husband is such a good father. He works all day and then has to study at night. While I would have to be in a room with no distractions, he always lets Calvin sit with him while he reads. The TV is blaring Baby Songs, I'm folding laundry or washing dishes (my machine is currently not operating) and Ami is singing while she acts out scenes from The Little Mermaid. I don't know how he does it. Must be love.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Love thy neighbor

I trade babysitting with my friend Lynell, who lives just down the street from us. Both her daughters are a joy to have over. Kendall is very patient and helpful with Ami. Calvin and Wakelee were born in the same month and get along so well. She was his first Valentine.

Look what Ami did! She plays so quietly when it's close to bedtime. I totally remember doing that. In that exact same room no less.

Every evening after Calvin goes to bed, Ami asks to do ABC Train Puzzle. She is really starting to recognize letters as I draw them on her MagnaDoodle. I'm trying to teach her to write an A but she is still so intent on drawing vacuums. Perhaps I should start with the letter V.

I have never cared for pacifiers but Calvin is addicted. After getting up several times a night to retrieve his precious bink, I did what Lynell does and attached it to his Lion. Wow, what a difference. Why didn't I do this months ago?